Concrete Foundation Waterproofing Suffolk County
For Fast Service Call Now:
(516) 207-0980
(631) 337-8402
Stop The Leaks From The Outside Not The Inside.
It’s not easy to figure out the best way to waterproof a concrete foundation in Suffolk County. There are several products and techniques for waterproofing a foundation. There are also strong opinions favoring one method over another. Like many home repair jobs, foundation water problems typically can’t be solved with a single product or treatment.
Probably the worst thing that can happen to a residential structure is a foundation problem. The foundation is literally what the house is built on, what keeps the building where it was built, transferring the dead loads and the live loads into the ground.
The source of the vast majority of foundation problems is water. Wet soil beneath a foundation can swell or lose strength.
And that’s only the first reason to keep the foundation dry. Then there’s the little problem of wet damp basements and crawl spaces that can breed mold and make below-ground interior spaces generally unpleasant. The problem is that typical concrete is not waterproof. It will typically keep out liquid water, water vapor can still penetrate quite easily. Keeping water drained away from concrete foundations and preventing it from moving through the concrete are essential to a successful structure.
Accomplishing our goal, then, of draining any water away and ensuring a dry interior space below grade can be relatively simple or fairly involved depending on geographic location, climate, topography, soil/water table conditions, and depth of the foundation. There are three components of any system designed to keep water out. These are, from the bottom up:
Drains to move water away from the bottom of the foundation
Wall treatment to prevent moisture from moving through the wall and to route water down to the drains
Ground surface treatment adjacent to the building to direct surface water away
And remember that since this will mostly be underground when the building is complete, doing it right the first time is critical, because coming back to fix it is an expensive undertaking. A leaky foundation in a residential building can damage finishes and furnishings, even the structure itself. In a commercial building, water can ruin expensive equipment and disrupt vital work. It all adds up to lost money, wasted time, upset customers, and sometimes litigation.
Foundation Repair Contractor Suffolk County
For Fast Service Call Now:
(516) 207-0980
(631) 337-8402
Get complete foundation repair services in Suffolk County for wall and floor cracks, bowing walls, and more.
Solutions for every problem. If your foundation is cracked, buckling, or has other damage, our experts can restore your home to a safe, functional condition.
Are you noticing cracks in your walls or floors? These could be signs of foundation problems. A settling foundation can lead to major structural issues for your house. Luckily we offer several foundation repair systems that will fit most home’s specific needs
No homeowner wants to deal with foundation repair, but foundation problems can affect your home’s safety, appearance, and value. If you’ve seen issues such as floor cracks, bowing walls, or other foundation damage, We can help. We will find the source of your problem and provide you with a quality foundation repair solution.
All of our foundation repair solutions are custom designed for your home. we install new & exclusive foundation products that come with a warranty and are installed by our team of trained contractors.
If you’re ready to find a solution to your foundation issues, give us a call to schedule a professional consultation and inspection with one of our foundation repair experts. We service Long Island, Suffolk County & Nassau County.